Flume Ride 6
The Flume Ride – a must-have for any amusement park, this classic family water attraction will never loose its appeal to your guests.
Our Flume Ride is a prooven and reliable system in so many parks already and comes with the highest safety and quality standards for family fun. Six guests are seated in three rows, two passengers abreast on this model, upgrades of eight passengers flumes or only four in-line seating configuration are within our normal ride portfolio.
Must-have attraction for every amusement park
A classic ride system, loved by all guests
Three rows – two passengers abreast
Layout and flume design possibilities are endless
Special elements possible such as switch tracks, vertical lifts or backward facing downchutes
Technical Specification
94 × 94 m
426 m
5 m
4.8 m
20 m
19.5 m
245 sec.
35 sec.
617 pph
95 cm minimum
120 cm unaccompanied
Ground space*
Ride length*
Lift height 1
Chute height 1 (reverse)
Lift height 2
Chute height 2
Number of boats
Passengers per boat*
Ride time
Dispatch time
Theoretical capacity
Height requirement**
* Variable according to customer layout or dimensions, with respect to technical limits and safety regulations.
** If accompanied by an adult and depending on local regulations, minimum height requirement can be lower.
All data are approximate and subject to adjustment during the final engineering.

Flume Ride 6 Layout abc0900-01-144

Flume Ride 6 Layout abc0900-01-144

Flume Ride 6 Layout abc0900-01-144